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We are always happy to see you and hope that you feel welcome in the school.


Please arrange a meeting with the school office if you would like to talk to us in detail or just grab us on the playground before or after school.

Term Dates
Autumn Term
September 5th - December 18th


Half term:
October 24th - November 1st
Spring Term
Summer Term
January 6th - March 27th


Half term:
February 16th - 24th
April 14th - July 22nd


Half term:
May 25th - June 1st
Useful Documents:

We know that sometimes the names we give our maths strategies can sound confusing.


If you would like to help your child with their maths at home, follow the link to our Calculation Videos.

Here, we have uploaded videos to show you how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at Hamford.

Help your child with maths..
Daily lessons that cover number, shape and space, measures, handling data, calculating and problem solving.
Daily lessons that cover reading and writing.  We look at a range of non-fiction, poetry and narrative texts.  Lots of focus on punctuation, spelling and grammar.
Art & Design
R.E. & Philosophy
Half termly topics that become the theme for most lessons.  Mainly History or Geography based but some enterprise themes too.  Art and design tends to be taught through this.
Weekly lessons that follow National Curriculum themes.  Practical and real-life links made as often as possible with lots of investigative work too.
Learning about famous and inspiring artists and designers.  Using outdoors as much as possible and developing techniques and use of varying media.  Mostly based on our topic work.
Using iPad technology to research, develop and present our ideas.  Learning to use a wide range of apps and techniques.
Twice weekly sessions that cover games, gymnastics, swimming and dance.  Working to be good team players and maintain a good level of physical fitness.
Learning about religions and beliefs of other people.  Developing our own views of the world and discussing our ideas in a reflective, respectful way.
Genius Hour
Time to research and learn about topics of our choice.  Sharing what we have learnt with our peers and learning from others.  Space in the week to find out more about things that inspire and interest us.
Weekly lessons with our French specialist teacher.  Learning to read, speak and have fun with French, including learning more about France.
Key skills of listening, responding, composing and performing.
An outline of our subjects
After school on a Tuesday.
Open to all children from year 2 upwards.
3:20pm - 4:00pm.
Girl Power
After school on a Friday.
Open to all girls from year 3 upwards. 
3:20pm - 4:15pm
After school on a Thursday.
Open to all girls from year 3 upwards.
3:20pm - 4:15pm
Problem Solving
By invitation only from Mrs. Paternoster.
Open to year 3 and year 4 children.
Girls' football
After school on a Tuesday.
Open to all children from year 2 upwards. 
3:20pm - 4:15pm
Creative Writing
After school on a Thursday.
Open to all children from year 3 upwards.
3:20pm - 4:15pm
After school on a Tuesday.
Open to all children from year 3 upwards.
3:20pm - 4:30pm
£12 for 6 sessions.
After school on a Monday.
Open to all children from year 3 upwards.
3:20pm - 4:15pm
After school on a Wednesday.
Open to all children in years 3 and 4.
3:20pm - 4:15pm
£12 for 6 sessions.
Extra Curricular Activities
P.E. Kit:
School Uniform:
Jewellery is not permitted in school except for small stud earrings.  Children must be able to remove these themselves for P.E.
School Uniform

Watch this great video for how to help practise times tables.  Although this is learning the 17 times tables, the principles still apply for other times tables.


Helping your child to see the links between numbers and the patterns in maths will help their times tables to really sink in and make more sense.


Have a go and tell us how you get on.

Times Tables Help

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